Three Mistakes To Avoid When Shampooing Your Own Carpet

Not long ago, if you wanted your carpet cleaned, you had to call in the professionals. Home carpet shampooers are changing that. Today's home carpet cleaners are more powerful than ever, using stain removers and specialized brushes to eliminate dirt and debris from deep within your carpet. However, if you don't use the shampooer properly, you could end up with mold or damaged carpeting. For best results, avoid these three mistakes when you shampoo your own carpet.

Mistake #1: Using the wrong shampoo.

If you read the instructions that come with your carpet shampooer, they will likely list shampoos that are compatible with the unit. Make sure you're using a shampoo on this list. Other shampoos may be too concentrated or not concentrated enough, so you don't get the best results when you use them.

There are also shampoos made for specific carpet types and situations. If you have a dark carpet, use shampoo made for dark carpets so you don't end up with bleach spots. If you have pets, use a shampoo made for pet owners to more effectively eliminate odors.

Mistake #2: Using too much water.

Most carpet shampooers have a mode where they eject water and also suck it up, plus another mode where they only suck up water. In general, going over a section of carpet once with the machine on suction/spray mode is enough. Any subsequent passes should be done on suction-only mode. Otherwise, you may end up with too much water on your carpet, which can cause mold and stains.

Mistake #3; Not allowing enough drying time.

Using minimal water will help ensure the carpet dries properly, but even then, you can expect drying to take 24 - 48 hours. Do not put furniture back into the room until this time has passed and you're entirely sure the carpet is dry. Otherwise, you may trap moisture against the carpet and end up with mold and impressions in the carpet.

If you're having trouble getting the carpet to dry quickly, try opening your windows and turning on some fans. This is easiest when you choose a warm, breezy day to shampoo your carpet.

To learn more about the best ways to shampoo carpet, talk to a carpet care company in your area. If you're struggling to get good results with a home shampooer, you may just want to leave this task to professional services, like Maintenance One. Professional cleaning is more affordable and fool-proof than you might imagine.
