Moving Mom In: 3 Ways To Get Your Household Ready For Family Caregiving

You love your mother, and it is finally your turn to repay her for all that she has done for you over the years. However, you can't help but worry about how to make sure her big move goes smoothly. After all, you have her house to help sell and yours to get ready for her to move in. Thankfully, you can get it all done and have time to enjoy some family bonding with these strategies for getting both of your households ready for the merge.

Begin By Helping Her Downsize

Naturally, your mother has accumulated a lifetime of belongings that will need to be addressed before she moves into your home. Help your mom sort through the items that she wants to keep, and make a plan to sell or donate the things she no longer needs. Once you have everything out of her house, schedule for house cleaning services that will get her home ready for selling.

Prepare Her Living Space

During the process of clearing out her home, you will also need to spend some time getting her living area ready. Whether she will have her own suite complete with a kitchen or a single bedroom, it is important to make sure that she starts with a clean slate. Residential cleaning services can help clear out the dust from a room that has been sitting unattended, and paying attention to little details such as the carpets and ceiling fans will reduce allergens. Once the space is clean, surprise your mom by adding a few personal touches such as family photographs of her cherished memories.

Create a Plan for Managing the New Responsibilities

You may have the best mother in the world, but moving any additional person into your home will require adjustments from everyone. This is especially true if your mom has long-term health conditions that will require you to provide extra assistance with her daily routine. Sit down and think about your daily responsibilities. Then, find ways to reduce your household workload such as scheduling for a weekly or monthly cleaning service so that you can focus on your family.

Merging households just makes sense for families who have aging loved ones who need more help managing their daily routine. While the moving process will take some work, you can ensure that everything goes smoothly by finding ways to minimize the additional stress that extra responsibilities adds to your household management plan.
