Should I Replace Or Clean My Carpet?

You absolutely love the feeling of a soft, luxurious carpet under your feet. Unfortunately, your once pristine carpet is now starting to look a little matted and dingy. You aren't sure if your carpet has a few good years left or if the current carpet should be torn up and replaced entirely. Here are a few instances when you can safely clean and restore your carpet and times when you should just have the carpet professionally replaced.

Your Newer Carpet Hasn't Been Cleaned in Several Months 

It is advisable to have your carpets and rugs professionally cleaned at least every few months. This will eliminate any odors, mold, mildew, and pet dander that can negatively affect your home's indoor air quality. Unless you have had a serious flood or there are several noticeable stains that you could not remove with a commercial stain remover or a small residential carpet cleaner, most newer carpets can be restored with a professional cleaning.

The Stains are Fresh and Superficial

If your child has recently spilled some apple juice or your pet had a small accident, typically, a professional carpet cleaner will be able to remove these fresh, superficial stains. The best way to prevent the stains from becoming deeper and more difficult to eliminate is to clean the spills and stains immediately.

Begin by dabbing at the stains. Do not rub the spill or stain, as this will work the liquid deeper into the carpet. Use a commercial carpet cleaner to remove the stains, according to the package directions. If the stain is large enough, or if there is a noticeable odor, it is best to contact a professional.

There Are Multiple Older Stain and a Noticeable Odor

Unfortunately, the rug typically cannot be saved if your carpet is several years old and there are multiple, set-in stains. Additionally, if the stains are coupled with a noticeable odor, the carpet should be removed immediately. This is especially true if the carpet smells musty, as this could be a sign of a severe mold infestation.

Water Damage

Finally, just because your carpet experienced water damage does not necessarily mean the carpet cannot be saved. For example, if there is a small flood and a small portion of the carpet was impacted, you can call a professional to have the carpet saved. Unfortunately, there, the water damage was severe and widespread, and the carpets remained wet for several hours or days; they should be replaced.

From small stains to severe water damage, it is important to determine when a carpet can be cleaned and when the carpet should be replaced.

Contact a carpet cleaning service to learn more. 
