4 Pet Urine Odor Removal Tips

If you get a new puppy, you'll need to learn about getting pet urine out of carpets and furniture. Accidents happen when your pet is a pup and even into adulthood. If you deal with urine correctly, you won't have to live with offensive urine odors and the frustration of ruined flooring. Here are four tips for pet urine odor removal.

1. Avoid Steam Cleaning Fresh Stains

A steam cleaner is handy for home cleaning, but if you try to eliminate urine stains and odors with a steam cleaner, you might just set the stain and make it much harder to get out later. That doesn't mean you should avoid having your carpets cleaned by a professional.

When you have pets, you'll probably need your carpets cleaned more often. Just try to have urine removed first or let the carpet cleaning company know where urine stains are so they can treat them before cleaning your carpet.

2. Use Enzyme Cleaners That Break Up Urine

Rather than overpower urine with strong cleaning products, look for products made for urine removal that break up urine so the stain is easier to get rid of and so odors fade away. Enzyme cleaners are often good for this.

You might search for cleaning products online and read reviews to find something that works, ask your veterinarian for advice, or just let a carpet cleaning company deal with the pet stains for you.

3. Use Odor Neutralizers Rather Than Fresheners

Covering up urine odors with room fresheners can make the smell in your home much worse. Instead, look for odor neutralizers that destroy the odor in your home rather than mask it. Odor neutralizers along with cleaners that break down urine can keep your home smelling fresh even though you have a puppy in your home that is difficult to house train.

4. Get Help From A Professional

Keep in mind, you get used to odors in your home. You may not smell your puppy's accidents if you live with the odors, but a guest can detect the smell of urine right away. If you want your carpet, furniture, and home to smell fresh all the time so you don't have to worry about odors, get help from a carpet cleaning company. They can clean your carpet on a regular schedule or before an event at your home so your home smells as fresh as possible.

They may even recommend pet urine odor removal products and methods for dealing with accidents between carpet cleaning visits so you can control odors yourself if your puppy has an accident on the sofa or carpet.
